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Sermon Note Archives

  • “FIFTY YEARS OF REFLECTION” | PSALM 39:4-7 | 1/7/24
    Some say age is only a number … but Came across this incredible passage in Psalm 39 Exposition of text in 39:4-7 Powerful, profound, penetrating 50 years of ministry reflection I. GRATITUDE I Peter 5:10 No substitute for a wonderful family II. LIFE IS SHORT James 4:13-17 Seems like it was just yesterday III. SALVATION IS OF THE LORD Jonah 2:9 Didn’t know a lot of doctrine … IV. JESUS CHRIST IS MY ALL IN ALL Romans 12:1-2; II Cor. 1:20; II Cor. 5:17 V. ALL OF IT … IS OF GRACE Eph. 2:8-9 Psalm 37:23-25 No matter what the years may hold, we can TRUST God always!
  • “PERILOUS TIMES” | II TIMOTHY 3:1-15 | 1/14/24
    “Last days” = period of time between the first coming and the second coming of Christ Biblically defined, yes, we are living in the last days Context of II Timothy 3 “perilous” = hard, harsh, difficult, fierce, violent Jesus in Matthew 24:21-24 I. PERILOUS TIMES 3:1-4 V. 2 lovers of self Lovers of money Disobedient to parents Lovers of pleasure more than God II. FALSE RELIGION TIMES 3:5-7 Difference between true religion/false religion? III. DAYS OF FAITH TIMES 3:8-12 Note verse 10 > follow IV. DAYS OF PERSEVERING TIMES 3:13-14 Must continue to abide V. ELECT GATHERING TIMES Matthew 24:29-31
  • “THE BURDEN OF HABAKKUK” | HABAKKUK 3:17-19 | 1/21/24
    Name = one who embraces God Lived during a spiritually dead time H assured the people of three things: H assures people of God’s mercy H says the Lord will send Messiah H prayed for perseverance in a troubled time I. A MAN WITH A BURDEN 1:1-4 Burdened for his nation and its people II. A MAN OF FAITH 2:1-3 A simple and plain message II. A MAN OF HOPE 2:14 Learn to wait on the Lord IV. A MAN OF WORSHIP 2:18-19 V. A MAN OF PERSEVERANCE 3:17-18 VI. A MAN OF PRAYER
  • “DECEIVED” | II CORINTHIANS 11:1-4 | 1/28/24
    Did you know that you can believe in Jesus and still go to hell? Can attend church and pray and still go to hell? Bible says you can … because we are easily deceived! If Satan deceived Eve in paradise, then he also Can easily deceive us Belief AND repentance are required for salvation! Satan does it by taking a verse and claiming it to the exclusion of other verses Turn to Acts 16:22-32 > great example Philippine jailer had a unique experience He repented and believed v.25 Matthew 1:21 > “FROM their sins.” Philippine jailer had fruit > vv.32-34 Repentance is repudiation and forsaking of sin Isaiah 55:7!
  • “5 QUESTIONS > SAME ANSWER!” | ROMANS 3:19-26 | 2/4/24
    What would it mean to you to know that: 1. All your sins —— every one — are forgiven? 2. That God is holy and not angry with you any more? 3. To have a heart that is as inclined to God as the old one was inclined to sin? 4. That every trial and heartache is ordained by God Himself? 5. That old age, illness and death is the best thing that could ever happen to you? Learn to look to Christ alone because you will like yourself better because of what you see!!!! I. MAN IS GUILTY 3:19 3 marks of repentance > George Whitefield II. GOD IS GRACIOUS 3:20-25 Something that God does all by Himself: freely III. GOD IS JUST 3:26 And the Justifier of the ungodly How can He do that? in Lord Jesus Christ!
  • “7 UNCHANGEABLE TRUTHS” | JOHN 8:20-51 | 2/11/24
    Immutability of God = God never changes His truth is eternally true! Psalm 90:1-2 and Malachi 3:6 and James 1:17 Everything is always changing but God never does Because He never changes - His truths never change! Context > 8:20-23 1st TRUTH > BELIEF > JOHN 8:24 2nd TRUTH > ABIDE > V.31 3rd TRUTH > FREEDOM > VV. 32-36 4th TRUTH > SACRIFICE > VV.37-39 5th TRUTH > LOVE FOR JESUS > VV.40-42 6th TRUTH > UNABLE TO LISTEN > VV.43-45 7th TRUTH > OBEDIENCE > VV.48-51 What is your relationship to these unchanging truths?
  • "THE OLD RUGGED CROSS” | GALATIANS 6:1-18 | 2/18/24
    Context of Galatians 6 — key verse is v.14 The very first man, Adam, walked with God But something awful happened when sin entered Sin impacted his mind, will and affections He lost his relationship with God Man will worship something ... That is why the Cross is so important I. SYMBOL OF DEATH Luke 9:23 and I Peter 2:9 II. OFFENSIVE TO MAN Why? labels him as a hell-deserving sinner III. OLD CROSS IS FEARLESS Cross brings hatred & persecution The old rugged cross leads home! It is not easy but it leads to glory!
  • “THE GREAT FOUNDATIONS OF GOD” | PSALM 11:1-7 | 2/25/24
    Civil foundation of USA is the U S Constitution It defines us as Americans and our rights Those rights and protections really come from God He has also given us a spiritual foundation It is sure, stedfast and secure Civil foundations can be destroyed Spiritual foundations cannot ever be destroyed They will never be destroyed! I. THE FOUNDATION OF CREATION Psalm 33:6-9 II. THE FOUNDATION OF THE BIBLE Isaiah 40:7-8 III. THE FOUNDATION OF CHRIST II Timothy 2:19 IV. THE FOUNDATION OF THE GRACE OF GOD I Peter 5:10 These foundations are secure and everlasting They find their origin in God Our faith and hope is built upon these foundations!
  • “SHEEP WHO HAVE STRAYED” | ISAIAH 53:6 | 3/3/24
    Context of Isaiah 53 … Many people, perhaps most people Believe they can get along pretty good Without God; however, Our greatest needs are not physical but spiritual Sin has impacted our entire being Rom.3:10-19 I. MAN THE SINNER HATES GOD "Let God run the world I will take care of me” II. MAN THE SINNER HATES HIS FELLOWMAN Matt. 22:34-40 Families shooting each other; fighting III. MAN THE SINNER HATES HIMSELF Looking our for #1 > me, myself and I Man has a terminal illness or does he? The only answer is the Lord Jesus Christ
  • “A WORM, A SNAKE AND TWO GOATS” | MARK 15:34 | 3/10/24
    You cannot ever overestimate the significance of the Cross Must be clearly seen from a Biblical perspective We must use its language and symbols I. A WORM Mark 15:34 and Psalm 22 Psalm 22:4-6 is a critical passage Admits the unthinkable Messiah became as a “worm” II. A SNAKE Numbers 21:4-9 Takes us deeper into the Gospel Almost everybody hates snakes A powerful picture of the Cross III. TWO GOATS Leviticus 16 1st Goat = slain as a sin offering 2nd Goat = the scapegoat 3 pictures that speak of the Cross Gives us a clear picture of the death of Christ!
  • “A CURSE, A COVENANT AND A CUP” | GALATIANS 3:10-13 | 3/17/24
    The Galatians were being encouraged to chart a new course Paul would have none of it Strong words about the Gospel in 1:6-9 A Gospel that sets men free to live in power and liberty He stood in our place as our substitute I. A CURSE V.10 Cursed = abominable, detestable, abhorrent You are either blessed or cursed Compare with Deuteronomy 27 and 28 II. A COVENANT See II Timothy 1:9-10 and Titus 1:1-2 God made many covenants One with Jesus Christ is the most important III. A CUP Luke 22:14-20 and 26-27 The bitter cup of divine wrath Divine wrath that fell on Him should have been on us Message of the cross seen in a curse, a covenant and a cup!
    What is the most significant event in world history? Discovery of fire? Invention of the wheel? What about in American history? Lots of historical markers ... None greater than the day Jesus Christ died on Calvary! All kinds of strange phenomena took place that day! I. HIS DEATH WAS VOLUNTARY V.23 Willingly, joyfully, voluntarily He went John 2:18-25 and 10:17-18 II. HIS DEATH WAS VICIOUS V.21 Cruel, vile, brutal, bloody III. HIS DEATH WAS VICARIOUS V.24A He gave Himself FOR us The just for the unjust IV. THIS DEATH WAS VICTORIOUS V.24B Over sin, death, Hell and the grave! I Cor. 15:22, 54-57
    Context of II Cor 5 ... We have seen lots of advances in almost every area of life but one No advances in the mystery of life after death Where do we look for answers? What do you believe about the future? Only place to turn is the Bible! I. DISTINCTION BETWEEN BODY AND SOUL Body = Soul = 3 kinds of death: physical, spiritual and eternal II. DEFINITION OF THE INTERMEDIATE STATE = period of time between the death and resurrection of the body = Not the final state What are they doing now? III. DECLARATION OF THE COMING OF CHRIST This is when the best comes Resurrection, reunion, rewards, rejoicing! There is life after death!
  • THE ASCENSION OF CHRIST | ACTS 1:9-11 | 4/7/24
    When the resurrection was over What did Christ do? Where did He go? Where is He now? What is He doing? Why is that so important? I. THE CONSUMMATION JOHN 17:4-5 The end of His earthly ministry Mission completed II. THE EXALTATION EPH.1:20-23 Went back to glory from which He came Honor, authority and power III. THE INTERCESSION HEBREWS 4:14-16 Interceding on our behalf Representing us before Father IV. THE PREPARATION JOHN 14:1-6 Preparing a place for His people Only for those who believe and repent
  • “SINS THAT PLAGUE THE SOUL” | I TIMOTHY 1:12-17 | 4/14/24
    Do you find it easy to forget “little sins?” and hard to forget the “bigger” ones? Some sins are really hard to forget They make us blush, cringe and feel shameful Is it that way with you? We sometimes wonder “did God really forgive me?” The only way to deal with such is to recognize I. THE NEED FOR FORGIVENESS We have a need to be forgiven Our sins HAVE offended God Often we allow our feelings to control us II. THE NATURE OF GOD Your doctrine of God is critically important Too often treat God as if he is just a big man In God’s eyes, no sin is big or small Our real problem is sin, not sins III. THE NAME OF JESUS Look back to the Cross!
  • "KEPT" I JOHN 5:11-15 | 4/21/24
    Always a need for a good babysitter Mature, responsible, trustworthy Our Lord has promised to "keep” us John 17:11-12 That assurance produces certain Christian convictions I. WE ARE HEARD BY GOD 5:14-15 God always answers our prayers Key > “according to His will” ii. WE ARE LIBERATED FROM SIN 5:18 From sin's dominion and control III. WE ARE PROTECTED FROM SATAN 5:18 Lord protects us from the Devil _ Luke 21:31-32 IV. WE ARE DISTINCT FROM THE WORLD 2:15-17; 5:19 A world under the influence of Satan V. WE ARE UNITED TO CHRIST 5:12-13, 20 Christ in me, the hope of glory
  • “THE PATH TO CONTENTMENT” | PSALM 90:14 | 4/28/24
    Way too many are living discontented lives Think that the solution is always “more" If we had more of this or that The only thing we need more of is found in God Psalm 90 is a prayer of Moses I. SATISFY US V.14A = abundance and plenty It IS God’s will that you be satisfied II. EARLY VV.14B In the morning when we face the day Never know what a day may bring forth III. WITH YOUR MERCY V.14C = steadfast love, lovingkindness Where do you look for real satisfaction? IV. THAT WE MAY REJOICE … VV.14D = a singing joy “all our days” = good and bad A glorious word from the Lord
  • “THE FUTURE OF SOUTHPORT CHURCH” | ACTS 2:40-47 | 5/5/24
    Arkwright Baptist was part of a mill community Known first as Arkwright Baptist Church Then became Arkwright First Baptist Church We became Southport Church in 2014 Led by some good men and women Church has survived because of the following 4 principles I. PRIMACY OF THE WORD OF GOD 2:22-24, 36-37, 40 Nothing we do is MORE important What saith the Word of the Lord? II. PREACHING AND TEACHING AS THE STRUCTURAL BACKBONE Look in v.40 Let the main thing BE the main thing! III. PURITY OF LIFE 2:38-39 Not perfect people but forgiven people Holy = Different and separate IV. PRE-EMINENCE OF THE CHURCH 2:42-43, 47 Look in Colossians 1:16-18 and Ephesians 3:20-21 God has done a wonderful thing The future of Southport Church will be predicated upon obedience to these 4 principles!
  • "THE LOVE OF JESUS FOR HIS MOTHER” | JOHN 19:19-27 | 5/12/24
    Today we honor our mother and we honor The Lord Jesus who designed, created and blessed it Testimony of Henry J Heinz of Heinz 57 His godly mother had a tremendous influence on him Jesus Christ had a unique relationship with His mother I. AT HIS BIRTH LUKE 1:26-27 Can you even imagine? Only one woman could be the mother of Jesus! II. iN HIS LIFE LUKE 2:40-52 Jesus was taught the Scriptures Look in Luke 2:52 Who taught Him? III. ON THE CROSS JOHN 19:26-27 John was the disciple Jesus was in pain and agony And He remembered His mother! Mary was an integral part of His life!
  • “SAVING FAITH” | II TIMOTHY 1:8-12 | 5/26/24
    Gospel is the most profound truth given to man Context When expounded Gospel causes conflict: 1. Work of God FOR us 2. Not according to our works 3. According to His purpose and grace 4. Confirmed by Christ 5. Who has abolished death In prison for preaching THAT gospel! I. DEFINITION OF SAVING FAITH V.12B Not what but WHOM! Salvation is found in a person Stop all the isms and preach Christ II. DETERMINATION OF ASSURANCE V.12B Must be willing — and He is Must be able — and He is To do what? to deal with my sins III. DECLARATION OF FAITH V. 12B-14 Knowledge > assurance > commitment No secret disciples
    Ever done something and then regretted it? We all have at one time or another Just can’t let go of it; always lingering … 3 categories of regret: 1. Past wasted by some sin 2. Suffering has stolen valuable time 3. Some of your life seems wasted Must always remember: 1. We are influenced by our past but not defined by it 2. God is in the re-creation business 3. God is sovereign, even over our past I. REGRET OVER A SINFUL PAST James 4:7-10 II. REGRET OVER A PAST OF SUFFERING II Cor. 5:17 III. REGRET OVER A PAST THAT SEEMS WASTED God’s sovereignty shines through everything Eccl. 12:13-14
  • “CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST” | GALATIANS 2:15-21 | 6/9/24
    Context of Galatians 48-49 A.D. False teachers sought to undermine Paul and Gospel Galatians 2:15-21 is the crux of the letter Important subject then and even now … I. MAN’S GREATEST NEED How would you answer that question? Lots of answers; only one is important II. MAN’S ONLY TWO OPTIONS 1. Saved by the works of the Law 2. Saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ III. MAN’S SHAMEFUL INSULTS V.21 Cannot earn or merit heaven Don’t insult the grace of God IV. MAN’S WISEST CHOICE VV/19-20 1. Died to the Law 2. Crucified with Christ 3. Christ now lives in me 4. I live by faith
  • A PROMISE TO ALL FATHERS | ISAIAH 41:10 | 6/16/24
    Fathers have mixed feelings on Father’s Day Quote on the value of fatherhood Isaiah 41 speaks of God’s greatness: 41:1 > the Judge of all the earth 41:2-3 > The Ruler of all rulers 41:4 > The uncreated Jehovah 41:5-7 > the God who chose His own people Then, in 41:10 > a command and a promise! I. I AM WITH YOU V.10A II. I AM YOUR GOD V. 10B III. I WILL STRENGTHEN YOU V.10C IV. I WILL HELP YOU V.10D V. I WILL UPHOLD YOU V.10E Look in 41:13 and Psalm 119:116-117 This God commands you to “FEAR NOT" This God promises to bless you!
    Quote of Winston Churchill own depression Our bodies do wear out Our sorrows can run deep Life can seem unbearable at times Need to turn to Romans 8:18-25 I. COMPARSON BETWEEN NOW AND THEN VV.16-18 Christians are called to suffer - different levels Look in v.18 —— do you believe it? II. THE BODILY RENEWAL THAT IS COMING V.22 The glory to come is greater than All the sufferings of the present Suffering now; glory later III. THERE WILL BE A RENEWED EARTH VV.19-21 All Creation yearns for liberty and freedom Groanings are the guarantee of coming glory When the Lord Jesus Christ comes again Only for His people, His church, believers!
  • “THE BLESSING OF A NEW DAY” | COLOSSIANS 3:1-15 | 6/30/24
    Do you love the start of a new day? Lamentations 3:22-23 Sometimes you can “sleep it off” A day of new opportunities Do you dread the start of a new day? A day that brings more heartaches and burdens? Which way to you look at the gift of a new day? I. FOCUS ON JESUS 3:1-3 Seek and keep seeking Set your minion things above II. FOCUS ON THE FUTURE 3:4 Jesus is coming soon III. FOCUS ON FIGHTING SIN 3:5-10 Put it to death, kill it, starve it out IV. FOCUS ON PUTTING ON 3:12-15 As the “elect” of God Put on tender mercies Put on love
  • "JUST PRAY" | EPHESIANS 6:18 | 7/11/24
    Context of Ephesians 6 … Ever asked someone in need how you can help? And they simply said “just pray.” The greatest thing any Christian can do for another Christian is “just pray.” You pray that God would answer your request According to His will and His word We pray to a sovereign, enthroned omniscient God! Prayer is a constant struggle! Thomas Watson > “Jesus went more readily to the cross the we do the Throne of Grace.” Six components of a good prayer life: 1. PRAY ALL KINDS OF PRAYER 2. PRAY CONSISTENTLY 3. PRAY “IN THE SPIRIT.” 4. PRAY WITH A WARTIME MENTALITY 5. PRAY THROUGH EVERY OBSTACLE TO PRAYER 6. PRAY FOR ALL THE SAINTS Whatever else you do, “just pray."
    The Christian is facing a conflict The Family is under attack The Church is being bombarded within and without George Barna Research Group stats Matthew 16:18 context 5 great tragedies facing the modern church I. THE UNATTENDED CHURCH - HEB.10:25 II. THE UNREAD BOOK - JOHN 6:63 III. THE UNCONFESSED SIN - ISAIAH 59:2 IV. THE UNEXPRESSED LOVE - JOHN 13:34-35 V. THE UNBENT KNEE - PHILIPPIANS 4:6-7 The remedy? Repentance Obedience Commitment
    Story of coming home from Vietnam Taught me the value of home I am a home body but this is not our final home Not yet … “I suspect we don’t think MUCH about heaven because we do not think WELL about heaven” Randy Alcorn in book Heaven Why don’t we think well about heaven? Satanic lies about heaven: Your concept of heaven now? What do you think heaven is? Is it Biblical? Paul’s concept of heaven > Phil1:21-23; 3:20; 3:13-14 His whole life was a sprint toward the finish line! I. THIS BODY — BUT BETTER Phil. 3:20-21 New, resurrected bodes — just better II. THIS EARTH — BUT BETTER Isaiah 65:17 Heaven will be the earth re-made and rejuvenated But without the curse of sin III. THIS JOY — BUT BETTER Psalm 16:11 Our joy will increase Job 19:25-27
    Have you ever asked God to take your life? Despair? Depression? Discouraged? Have you ever even thought about it? I have known Christians who wanted to die! But God is never surprised! Suicide is not the unpardonable sin! Bible had people who wanted to die … I. JOB — 6:8-9; 3:1-5 II. MOSES — EX. 32:30-32; NUMBERS 11”4-6 III. JONAH — 4:1-3 AND 8-9 IV. ELIJAH — I KINGS 19:1-8 V. PAUL — II CORINTHIANS 1:8-9 God is never surprised at our feelings and thoughts It was God’s choice to give life It God’s choice to take it! God’s answer is different and better > Isaiah 55:8-9 God is omniscient AND omnipotent!
  • “SAVED? WHAT IT REALLY MEANS!” | JOHN 3:1-7 | 8/4/24
    Quote of C Lewis: “Christians are not just nice people; they are supposed to be changed people.” Transformed by the power of God I. THE NEED FOR SALVATION Critical to understanding the need to be saved Meaning of depravity It is a “must" II. BIBLICAL NETWORK FOR TEACHING THIS TRUTH John 3 and Nicodemus Born again = born from above > 3, 7, 31 Cannot even “see” the kingdom of God Titus 3:5 III. THE NATURE OF BEING SAVED 1. It is an instantaneous change 2. It is a supernatural change 3. It is a radical change It involves the whole person Mind, will, emotions, life! No change? NO salvation!
  • “ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE” | I CORINTHIANS 13:1-13 | 8/7/24
    Many marriages today are struggling Today’s couples face many complicated issues Are there any perfect marriages? NO! The marriages that work best are those founded And guided by the love expressed in I Cor 13 V. 1 = talk is easy V. 2 = even great faith V. 3 = no love = nothing Verses 4-7 tell us what real love is Selfless and sacrificial Perseveres all the challenges of marriage Love covers a multitude of sins These are traits seen in the Lord His love empowers marriages to last!
  • “5 TYPES OF FOOLS IN THE BIBLE” | PSALM 14:1 | 8/18/24
    We all have acted foolishly at times … The fool in Psalm 14 is not a moron or idiot It is someone who has no moral sensibilities Someone who consistently rejects the truth of God Bible talks a lot about fools … I. THE SIMPLE FOOL Proverbs 22:3 II. THE SILLY FOOL Proverbs 27:3 III. THE SENSUAL FOOL Proverbs 10:23; 13:19-20 IV. THE SCORNING FOOL Proverbs 13:1 and 29:11 V. THE STEDFAST FOOL Probers 1:7, 22; 3”33-35 This one is the most dangerous He is self confident and has a closed mindset The lesson: don’t be a fool! Believe in God, trust God, serve God! Commit your life to Christ!
  • "BARNABAS" | Acts 4:36-37 | 8/11/24
    His real name was Joses; Barnabas was his nickname. I. He Encouraged others by Practicing Stewardship (Acts 4:36-37) II. He Encouraged others by Extending Friendship (Acts 9:22-27) III. He Encouraged others by Building Partnerships (Acts 11:20-24) IV. He Encouraged others by Cultivating Leadership (Acts 11:25-26) V. He Encouraged others by Rebuilding Relationships (Acts 15:36-41) What do you need to do to become an encourager?
    Easy to become satisfied in the Christian life Can become too familiar with the Gospel Possible to lose its joy and excitement Paul was “not ashamed” = why? Gospel = good news about the Messiah Power = dynamite You will always need the Gospel > why? The Gospel gives us a : I. NEW ABILITY Philippians 4:13 Obedience and perseverance II. NEW IDENTITY II Corinthians 5:17 No longer in Adam but in Christ III. NEW EXAMPLE Luke (;23-24 Don’t be like Mike! Follow Christ! IV. NEW SIGHT John 8:12 Blind and living in darkness Sight to understand, appreciate, and revel Sight to worship and serve
  • “A DAY YOU MUST NOT FORSAKE” | HEBREWS 10:24-25 | 9/1/24
    What is your favorite day of the week? Why did you choose that day? Sunday has been around a long, long, time It commemorates the resurrection of Christ! Explanation of verses 24-25 Why should we be excited about the Lord’s Day? I. WE SEE SPIRITUAL GIFTS ON DISPLAY Romans 12:6; I Cor. 12:7; I Peter 4:10 Examples are > II. WE HEAR MUCH NEEDED TEACHING AND PREACHING Both build up the Body of Christ! III. WE EXPERIENCE SPIRITUAL GROWTH Real and Lasting > Matthew 4:4; Romans 10:17 IV. WE ARE REMINDED THAT WE ARE NOT ALONE Heb. 10:24-24 > one another V. WE GET A TASTE OF GLORY Rev. 21:1-4 And if we don’t? See verses 26-27!
  • “YOU WILL NEVER DIE!” | JOHN 8:48-59 | 9/8/24
    Many “verily, verily” sayings in Scripture None more astounding that this one in v.51 Many think you die and that’s it: game over Jesus didn’t teach that! You will live forever …. somewhere! Quote of C S Lewis I. NATURE OF DEATH Hebrews 9:27; Romans 6:23 II. THREE KINDS OF DEATH 1. Physical death > soul, spirit from body 2, Spiritual death > soul or spirit from God 3. Eternal death > separation of soul & body from God Note v. 51 > which death? eternal death! III. ONLY SAVIOR ABLE TO SAVE 8:51 Only refuge found in Christ Just two ways to die: in Christ or in sin John 8:21-24 Intermediate state John 8:51-52
  • “THE VALUE OF A SOUL” | MARK 8:36-37 | 9/15/24
    What do you believe about the composition of man? Dichotomist or Trichotomist? Is man a soul and body? material and immaterial? Is man body, soul and spirit? Your most valuable asset is your soul! Only two things lasts forever: Word of God and your soul I. A FABULOUS TREASURE Based on your creation, potentiality and rarity The handiwork of Almighty God II. A FOOLISH TRANSACTION Your fabulous treasure is your soul What are you willing to trade for it? III. A FATAL TRAGEDY This is a story about tragedy Devil doesn’t want you to even think about it Your soul is worth billions of worlds It will live on and on
  • "THE WAR AGAINST YOUR SOUL” I PETER 2:11 | 9/29/24
    If Satan cannot have your soul he will do anything to make you miserable and defeated There is a constant battle raging against your soul Sin is always crouching at the door How do we combat this assailant? I. REMEMBER YOUR HEAVENLY CITIZENSHIP V.11 a = sojourners, just “passing through” Look in I Peter 1:1-2 and Philippians 3:18-21 Remember who you are in Christ II. REJECT FLESHLY LUSTS We are “to abstain”; stay away from Lusts = cravings, desires “that wage war against your soul” Satan cannot take your soul but … Moses in Hebrews 11:23-26 III. REVERENCE THE SOVEREIGN GOD OF SCRIPTURE An attack on the soul is serious business Must guard and protect the soul
    Disaster often brings devastation and death Destruction and all kinds of difficulties Hurricane Helene did just that Some had it worse than others Where is God in the midst of a disaster? Same place He always is: on His Throne! Paul was in a Roman prison cell Cold, hungry, tired, and all alone What does he do? Composes a thank you note to church I. THE CARE OF THE CHURCH V.10 Once before and now, again Any church members check on you? II. THE CONTENTMENT OF THE PRISONER VV.11-12 Had “learned” > key word. Learn anything? III. THE CAUSE OF THIS GRACE V.13 Contentment came from Christ!
  • "THE WAR AGAINST YOUR SOUL” | I PETER 2:11 | 10/13/24
    If Satan cannot have your soul he will do anything to make you miserable and defeated There is a constant battle raging against your soul Sin is always crouching at the door How do we combat this assailant? I. REMEMBER YOUR HEAVENLY CITIZENSHIP V.11 a = sojourners, just “passing through” Look in I Peter 1:1-2 and Philippians 3:18-21 Remember who you are in Christ II. REJECT FLESHLY LUSTS We are “to abstain”; stay away from Lusts = cravings, desires “that wage war against your soul” Satan cannot take your soul but … Moses in Hebrews 11:23-26 III. REVERENCE THE SOVEREIGN GOD OF SCRIPTURE An attack on the soul is serious business Must guard and protect the soul
  • "THE BISHOP OF OUR SOULS” | I PETER 2:21-25 | 10/20/24
    Our souls are of infinite value As sheep, we easily go astray Two titles for Jesus in v. 25 1. SHEPHERD: Feeder, Protector, Ruler 2. BISHOP: Overseer, Supervisor, Guardian He knows what we need His eye is always on us — He knows I. REST Matthew 11:28-30 Sometimes we need to just stop and rest II. RESOURCES Psalm 23:1,3 Psalm 143:6-12; Philippians 4:19 III. REJOICING Philippians 4:4 Psalm 103:1-5 IV. RE-ASSURANCE Psalm 97:10 Perseverance e of the saints And preservation by the Lord V. REDEMPTION I Peter 1:17-21
  • “IS THERE NOT A CAUSE?” | I SAMUEL 17:20-29 | 10/27/24
    A question that needs to be pondered! The world is adrift Is there not a cause to live for? ********************************************* I. SENT BY THE FATHER VV.12-18 Jesse sent David; the Father sent Jesus We have been sent II. SCORNED BY HIS BROTHERS V.28-29 Will always have opposition Sometimes from family members III. SECURE WITH HIS OWN BATTLE ARMOR VV.38-39 David had all he needed Power of the Word IV. SUCCESS AGAINST GOLIATH VV.42-51 Goliath cursed David and his God David did what no other man in Israel could do V. SOUGHT BY SAUL Life is always a struggle, especially after victories

Wednesday Night Bible Study Note Archives

  • “FIFTY YEARS OF REFLECTION” | PSALM 39:4-7 | 1/7/24
    Some say age is only a number … but Came across this incredible passage in Psalm 39 Exposition of text in 39:4-7 Powerful, profound, penetrating 50 years of ministry reflection I. GRATITUDE I Peter 5:10 No substitute for a wonderful family II. LIFE IS SHORT James 4:13-17 Seems like it was just yesterday III. SALVATION IS OF THE LORD Jonah 2:9 Didn’t know a lot of doctrine … IV. JESUS CHRIST IS MY ALL IN ALL Romans 12:1-2; II Cor. 1:20; II Cor. 5:17 V. ALL OF IT … IS OF GRACE Eph. 2:8-9 Psalm 37:23-25 No matter what the years may hold, we can TRUST God always!
  • “PERILOUS TIMES” | II TIMOTHY 3:1-15 | 1/14/24
    “Last days” = period of time between the first coming and the second coming of Christ Biblically defined, yes, we are living in the last days Context of II Timothy 3 “perilous” = hard, harsh, difficult, fierce, violent Jesus in Matthew 24:21-24 I. PERILOUS TIMES 3:1-4 V. 2 lovers of self Lovers of money Disobedient to parents Lovers of pleasure more than God II. FALSE RELIGION TIMES 3:5-7 Difference between true religion/false religion? III. DAYS OF FAITH TIMES 3:8-12 Note verse 10 > follow IV. DAYS OF PERSEVERING TIMES 3:13-14 Must continue to abide V. ELECT GATHERING TIMES Matthew 24:29-31
  • “THE BURDEN OF HABAKKUK” | HABAKKUK 3:17-19 | 1/21/24
    Name = one who embraces God Lived during a spiritually dead time H assured the people of three things: H assures people of God’s mercy H says the Lord will send Messiah H prayed for perseverance in a troubled time I. A MAN WITH A BURDEN 1:1-4 Burdened for his nation and its people II. A MAN OF FAITH 2:1-3 A simple and plain message II. A MAN OF HOPE 2:14 Learn to wait on the Lord IV. A MAN OF WORSHIP 2:18-19 V. A MAN OF PERSEVERANCE 3:17-18 VI. A MAN OF PRAYER
  • “DECEIVED” | II CORINTHIANS 11:1-4 | 1/28/24
    Did you know that you can believe in Jesus and still go to hell? Can attend church and pray and still go to hell? Bible says you can … because we are easily deceived! If Satan deceived Eve in paradise, then he also Can easily deceive us Belief AND repentance are required for salvation! Satan does it by taking a verse and claiming it to the exclusion of other verses Turn to Acts 16:22-32 > great example Philippine jailer had a unique experience He repented and believed v.25 Matthew 1:21 > “FROM their sins.” Philippine jailer had fruit > vv.32-34 Repentance is repudiation and forsaking of sin Isaiah 55:7!
  • “5 QUESTIONS > SAME ANSWER!” | ROMANS 3:19-26 | 2/4/24
    What would it mean to you to know that: 1. All your sins —— every one — are forgiven? 2. That God is holy and not angry with you any more? 3. To have a heart that is as inclined to God as the old one was inclined to sin? 4. That every trial and heartache is ordained by God Himself? 5. That old age, illness and death is the best thing that could ever happen to you? Learn to look to Christ alone because you will like yourself better because of what you see!!!! I. MAN IS GUILTY 3:19 3 marks of repentance > George Whitefield II. GOD IS GRACIOUS 3:20-25 Something that God does all by Himself: freely III. GOD IS JUST 3:26 And the Justifier of the ungodly How can He do that? in Lord Jesus Christ!
  • “7 UNCHANGEABLE TRUTHS” | JOHN 8:20-51 | 2/11/24
    Immutability of God = God never changes His truth is eternally true! Psalm 90:1-2 and Malachi 3:6 and James 1:17 Everything is always changing but God never does Because He never changes - His truths never change! Context > 8:20-23 1st TRUTH > BELIEF > JOHN 8:24 2nd TRUTH > ABIDE > V.31 3rd TRUTH > FREEDOM > VV. 32-36 4th TRUTH > SACRIFICE > VV.37-39 5th TRUTH > LOVE FOR JESUS > VV.40-42 6th TRUTH > UNABLE TO LISTEN > VV.43-45 7th TRUTH > OBEDIENCE > VV.48-51 What is your relationship to these unchanging truths?
  • "THE OLD RUGGED CROSS” | GALATIANS 6:1-18 | 2/18/24
    Context of Galatians 6 — key verse is v.14 The very first man, Adam, walked with God But something awful happened when sin entered Sin impacted his mind, will and affections He lost his relationship with God Man will worship something ... That is why the Cross is so important I. SYMBOL OF DEATH Luke 9:23 and I Peter 2:9 II. OFFENSIVE TO MAN Why? labels him as a hell-deserving sinner III. OLD CROSS IS FEARLESS Cross brings hatred & persecution The old rugged cross leads home! It is not easy but it leads to glory!
  • “THE GREAT FOUNDATIONS OF GOD” | PSALM 11:1-7 | 2/25/24
    Civil foundation of USA is the U S Constitution It defines us as Americans and our rights Those rights and protections really come from God He has also given us a spiritual foundation It is sure, stedfast and secure Civil foundations can be destroyed Spiritual foundations cannot ever be destroyed They will never be destroyed! I. THE FOUNDATION OF CREATION Psalm 33:6-9 II. THE FOUNDATION OF THE BIBLE Isaiah 40:7-8 III. THE FOUNDATION OF CHRIST II Timothy 2:19 IV. THE FOUNDATION OF THE GRACE OF GOD I Peter 5:10 These foundations are secure and everlasting They find their origin in God Our faith and hope is built upon these foundations!
  • “SHEEP WHO HAVE STRAYED” | ISAIAH 53:6 | 3/3/24
    Context of Isaiah 53 … Many people, perhaps most people Believe they can get along pretty good Without God; however, Our greatest needs are not physical but spiritual Sin has impacted our entire being Rom.3:10-19 I. MAN THE SINNER HATES GOD "Let God run the world I will take care of me” II. MAN THE SINNER HATES HIS FELLOWMAN Matt. 22:34-40 Families shooting each other; fighting III. MAN THE SINNER HATES HIMSELF Looking our for #1 > me, myself and I Man has a terminal illness or does he? The only answer is the Lord Jesus Christ
  • “A WORM, A SNAKE AND TWO GOATS” | MARK 15:34 | 3/10/24
    You cannot ever overestimate the significance of the Cross Must be clearly seen from a Biblical perspective We must use its language and symbols I. A WORM Mark 15:34 and Psalm 22 Psalm 22:4-6 is a critical passage Admits the unthinkable Messiah became as a “worm” II. A SNAKE Numbers 21:4-9 Takes us deeper into the Gospel Almost everybody hates snakes A powerful picture of the Cross III. TWO GOATS Leviticus 16 1st Goat = slain as a sin offering 2nd Goat = the scapegoat 3 pictures that speak of the Cross Gives us a clear picture of the death of Christ!
  • “A CURSE, A COVENANT AND A CUP” | GALATIANS 3:10-13 | 3/17/24
    The Galatians were being encouraged to chart a new course Paul would have none of it Strong words about the Gospel in 1:6-9 A Gospel that sets men free to live in power and liberty He stood in our place as our substitute I. A CURSE V.10 Cursed = abominable, detestable, abhorrent You are either blessed or cursed Compare with Deuteronomy 27 and 28 II. A COVENANT See II Timothy 1:9-10 and Titus 1:1-2 God made many covenants One with Jesus Christ is the most important III. A CUP Luke 22:14-20 and 26-27 The bitter cup of divine wrath Divine wrath that fell on Him should have been on us Message of the cross seen in a curse, a covenant and a cup!
    What is the most significant event in world history? Discovery of fire? Invention of the wheel? What about in American history? Lots of historical markers ... None greater than the day Jesus Christ died on Calvary! All kinds of strange phenomena took place that day! I. HIS DEATH WAS VOLUNTARY V.23 Willingly, joyfully, voluntarily He went John 2:18-25 and 10:17-18 II. HIS DEATH WAS VICIOUS V.21 Cruel, vile, brutal, bloody III. HIS DEATH WAS VICARIOUS V.24A He gave Himself FOR us The just for the unjust IV. THIS DEATH WAS VICTORIOUS V.24B Over sin, death, Hell and the grave! I Cor. 15:22, 54-57
    Context of II Cor 5 ... We have seen lots of advances in almost every area of life but one No advances in the mystery of life after death Where do we look for answers? What do you believe about the future? Only place to turn is the Bible! I. DISTINCTION BETWEEN BODY AND SOUL Body = Soul = 3 kinds of death: physical, spiritual and eternal II. DEFINITION OF THE INTERMEDIATE STATE = period of time between the death and resurrection of the body = Not the final state What are they doing now? III. DECLARATION OF THE COMING OF CHRIST This is when the best comes Resurrection, reunion, rewards, rejoicing! There is life after death!
  • THE ASCENSION OF CHRIST | ACTS 1:9-11 | 4/7/24
    When the resurrection was over What did Christ do? Where did He go? Where is He now? What is He doing? Why is that so important? I. THE CONSUMMATION JOHN 17:4-5 The end of His earthly ministry Mission completed II. THE EXALTATION EPH.1:20-23 Went back to glory from which He came Honor, authority and power III. THE INTERCESSION HEBREWS 4:14-16 Interceding on our behalf Representing us before Father IV. THE PREPARATION JOHN 14:1-6 Preparing a place for His people Only for those who believe and repent
  • “SINS THAT PLAGUE THE SOUL” | I TIMOTHY 1:12-17 | 4/14/24
    Do you find it easy to forget “little sins?” and hard to forget the “bigger” ones? Some sins are really hard to forget They make us blush, cringe and feel shameful Is it that way with you? We sometimes wonder “did God really forgive me?” The only way to deal with such is to recognize I. THE NEED FOR FORGIVENESS We have a need to be forgiven Our sins HAVE offended God Often we allow our feelings to control us II. THE NATURE OF GOD Your doctrine of God is critically important Too often treat God as if he is just a big man In God’s eyes, no sin is big or small Our real problem is sin, not sins III. THE NAME OF JESUS Look back to the Cross!
  • "KEPT" I JOHN 5:11-15 | 4/21/24
    Always a need for a good babysitter Mature, responsible, trustworthy Our Lord has promised to "keep” us John 17:11-12 That assurance produces certain Christian convictions I. WE ARE HEARD BY GOD 5:14-15 God always answers our prayers Key > “according to His will” ii. WE ARE LIBERATED FROM SIN 5:18 From sin's dominion and control III. WE ARE PROTECTED FROM SATAN 5:18 Lord protects us from the Devil _ Luke 21:31-32 IV. WE ARE DISTINCT FROM THE WORLD 2:15-17; 5:19 A world under the influence of Satan V. WE ARE UNITED TO CHRIST 5:12-13, 20 Christ in me, the hope of glory
  • “THE PATH TO CONTENTMENT” | PSALM 90:14 | 4/28/24
    Way too many are living discontented lives Think that the solution is always “more" If we had more of this or that The only thing we need more of is found in God Psalm 90 is a prayer of Moses I. SATISFY US V.14A = abundance and plenty It IS God’s will that you be satisfied II. EARLY VV.14B In the morning when we face the day Never know what a day may bring forth III. WITH YOUR MERCY V.14C = steadfast love, lovingkindness Where do you look for real satisfaction? IV. THAT WE MAY REJOICE … VV.14D = a singing joy “all our days” = good and bad A glorious word from the Lord
  • “THE FUTURE OF SOUTHPORT CHURCH” | ACTS 2:40-47 | 5/5/24
    Arkwright Baptist was part of a mill community Known first as Arkwright Baptist Church Then became Arkwright First Baptist Church We became Southport Church in 2014 Led by some good men and women Church has survived because of the following 4 principles I. PRIMACY OF THE WORD OF GOD 2:22-24, 36-37, 40 Nothing we do is MORE important What saith the Word of the Lord? II. PREACHING AND TEACHING AS THE STRUCTURAL BACKBONE Look in v.40 Let the main thing BE the main thing! III. PURITY OF LIFE 2:38-39 Not perfect people but forgiven people Holy = Different and separate IV. PRE-EMINENCE OF THE CHURCH 2:42-43, 47 Look in Colossians 1:16-18 and Ephesians 3:20-21 God has done a wonderful thing The future of Southport Church will be predicated upon obedience to these 4 principles!
  • "THE LOVE OF JESUS FOR HIS MOTHER” | JOHN 19:19-27 | 5/12/24
    Today we honor our mother and we honor The Lord Jesus who designed, created and blessed it Testimony of Henry J Heinz of Heinz 57 His godly mother had a tremendous influence on him Jesus Christ had a unique relationship with His mother I. AT HIS BIRTH LUKE 1:26-27 Can you even imagine? Only one woman could be the mother of Jesus! II. iN HIS LIFE LUKE 2:40-52 Jesus was taught the Scriptures Look in Luke 2:52 Who taught Him? III. ON THE CROSS JOHN 19:26-27 John was the disciple Jesus was in pain and agony And He remembered His mother! Mary was an integral part of His life!
  • “SAVING FAITH” | II TIMOTHY 1:8-12 | 5/26/24
    Gospel is the most profound truth given to man Context When expounded Gospel causes conflict: 1. Work of God FOR us 2. Not according to our works 3. According to His purpose and grace 4. Confirmed by Christ 5. Who has abolished death In prison for preaching THAT gospel! I. DEFINITION OF SAVING FAITH V.12B Not what but WHOM! Salvation is found in a person Stop all the isms and preach Christ II. DETERMINATION OF ASSURANCE V.12B Must be willing — and He is Must be able — and He is To do what? to deal with my sins III. DECLARATION OF FAITH V. 12B-14 Knowledge > assurance > commitment No secret disciples
    Ever done something and then regretted it? We all have at one time or another Just can’t let go of it; always lingering … 3 categories of regret: 1. Past wasted by some sin 2. Suffering has stolen valuable time 3. Some of your life seems wasted Must always remember: 1. We are influenced by our past but not defined by it 2. God is in the re-creation business 3. God is sovereign, even over our past I. REGRET OVER A SINFUL PAST James 4:7-10 II. REGRET OVER A PAST OF SUFFERING II Cor. 5:17 III. REGRET OVER A PAST THAT SEEMS WASTED God’s sovereignty shines through everything Eccl. 12:13-14
  • “CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST” | GALATIANS 2:15-21 | 6/9/24
    Context of Galatians 48-49 A.D. False teachers sought to undermine Paul and Gospel Galatians 2:15-21 is the crux of the letter Important subject then and even now … I. MAN’S GREATEST NEED How would you answer that question? Lots of answers; only one is important II. MAN’S ONLY TWO OPTIONS 1. Saved by the works of the Law 2. Saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ III. MAN’S SHAMEFUL INSULTS V.21 Cannot earn or merit heaven Don’t insult the grace of God IV. MAN’S WISEST CHOICE VV/19-20 1. Died to the Law 2. Crucified with Christ 3. Christ now lives in me 4. I live by faith
  • A PROMISE TO ALL FATHERS | ISAIAH 41:10 | 6/16/24
    Fathers have mixed feelings on Father’s Day Quote on the value of fatherhood Isaiah 41 speaks of God’s greatness: 41:1 > the Judge of all the earth 41:2-3 > The Ruler of all rulers 41:4 > The uncreated Jehovah 41:5-7 > the God who chose His own people Then, in 41:10 > a command and a promise! I. I AM WITH YOU V.10A II. I AM YOUR GOD V. 10B III. I WILL STRENGTHEN YOU V.10C IV. I WILL HELP YOU V.10D V. I WILL UPHOLD YOU V.10E Look in 41:13 and Psalm 119:116-117 This God commands you to “FEAR NOT" This God promises to bless you!
    Quote of Winston Churchill own depression Our bodies do wear out Our sorrows can run deep Life can seem unbearable at times Need to turn to Romans 8:18-25 I. COMPARSON BETWEEN NOW AND THEN VV.16-18 Christians are called to suffer - different levels Look in v.18 —— do you believe it? II. THE BODILY RENEWAL THAT IS COMING V.22 The glory to come is greater than All the sufferings of the present Suffering now; glory later III. THERE WILL BE A RENEWED EARTH VV.19-21 All Creation yearns for liberty and freedom Groanings are the guarantee of coming glory When the Lord Jesus Christ comes again Only for His people, His church, believers!
  • “THE BLESSING OF A NEW DAY” | COLOSSIANS 3:1-15 | 6/30/24
    Do you love the start of a new day? Lamentations 3:22-23 Sometimes you can “sleep it off” A day of new opportunities Do you dread the start of a new day? A day that brings more heartaches and burdens? Which way to you look at the gift of a new day? I. FOCUS ON JESUS 3:1-3 Seek and keep seeking Set your minion things above II. FOCUS ON THE FUTURE 3:4 Jesus is coming soon III. FOCUS ON FIGHTING SIN 3:5-10 Put it to death, kill it, starve it out IV. FOCUS ON PUTTING ON 3:12-15 As the “elect” of God Put on tender mercies Put on love
  • "JUST PRAY" | EPHESIANS 6:18 | 7/11/24
    Context of Ephesians 6 … Ever asked someone in need how you can help? And they simply said “just pray.” The greatest thing any Christian can do for another Christian is “just pray.” You pray that God would answer your request According to His will and His word We pray to a sovereign, enthroned omniscient God! Prayer is a constant struggle! Thomas Watson > “Jesus went more readily to the cross the we do the Throne of Grace.” Six components of a good prayer life: 1. PRAY ALL KINDS OF PRAYER 2. PRAY CONSISTENTLY 3. PRAY “IN THE SPIRIT.” 4. PRAY WITH A WARTIME MENTALITY 5. PRAY THROUGH EVERY OBSTACLE TO PRAYER 6. PRAY FOR ALL THE SAINTS Whatever else you do, “just pray."
    The Christian is facing a conflict The Family is under attack The Church is being bombarded within and without George Barna Research Group stats Matthew 16:18 context 5 great tragedies facing the modern church I. THE UNATTENDED CHURCH - HEB.10:25 II. THE UNREAD BOOK - JOHN 6:63 III. THE UNCONFESSED SIN - ISAIAH 59:2 IV. THE UNEXPRESSED LOVE - JOHN 13:34-35 V. THE UNBENT KNEE - PHILIPPIANS 4:6-7 The remedy? Repentance Obedience Commitment
    Story of coming home from Vietnam Taught me the value of home I am a home body but this is not our final home Not yet … “I suspect we don’t think MUCH about heaven because we do not think WELL about heaven” Randy Alcorn in book Heaven Why don’t we think well about heaven? Satanic lies about heaven: Your concept of heaven now? What do you think heaven is? Is it Biblical? Paul’s concept of heaven > Phil1:21-23; 3:20; 3:13-14 His whole life was a sprint toward the finish line! I. THIS BODY — BUT BETTER Phil. 3:20-21 New, resurrected bodes — just better II. THIS EARTH — BUT BETTER Isaiah 65:17 Heaven will be the earth re-made and rejuvenated But without the curse of sin III. THIS JOY — BUT BETTER Psalm 16:11 Our joy will increase Job 19:25-27
    Have you ever asked God to take your life? Despair? Depression? Discouraged? Have you ever even thought about it? I have known Christians who wanted to die! But God is never surprised! Suicide is not the unpardonable sin! Bible had people who wanted to die … I. JOB — 6:8-9; 3:1-5 II. MOSES — EX. 32:30-32; NUMBERS 11”4-6 III. JONAH — 4:1-3 AND 8-9 IV. ELIJAH — I KINGS 19:1-8 V. PAUL — II CORINTHIANS 1:8-9 God is never surprised at our feelings and thoughts It was God’s choice to give life It God’s choice to take it! God’s answer is different and better > Isaiah 55:8-9 God is omniscient AND omnipotent!
  • “SAVED? WHAT IT REALLY MEANS!” | JOHN 3:1-7 | 8/4/24
    Quote of C Lewis: “Christians are not just nice people; they are supposed to be changed people.” Transformed by the power of God I. THE NEED FOR SALVATION Critical to understanding the need to be saved Meaning of depravity It is a “must" II. BIBLICAL NETWORK FOR TEACHING THIS TRUTH John 3 and Nicodemus Born again = born from above > 3, 7, 31 Cannot even “see” the kingdom of God Titus 3:5 III. THE NATURE OF BEING SAVED 1. It is an instantaneous change 2. It is a supernatural change 3. It is a radical change It involves the whole person Mind, will, emotions, life! No change? NO salvation!
  • “ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE” | I CORINTHIANS 13:1-13 | 8/7/24
    Many marriages today are struggling Today’s couples face many complicated issues Are there any perfect marriages? NO! The marriages that work best are those founded And guided by the love expressed in I Cor 13 V. 1 = talk is easy V. 2 = even great faith V. 3 = no love = nothing Verses 4-7 tell us what real love is Selfless and sacrificial Perseveres all the challenges of marriage Love covers a multitude of sins These are traits seen in the Lord His love empowers marriages to last!
  • “5 TYPES OF FOOLS IN THE BIBLE” | PSALM 14:1 | 8/18/24
    We all have acted foolishly at times … The fool in Psalm 14 is not a moron or idiot It is someone who has no moral sensibilities Someone who consistently rejects the truth of God Bible talks a lot about fools … I. THE SIMPLE FOOL Proverbs 22:3 II. THE SILLY FOOL Proverbs 27:3 III. THE SENSUAL FOOL Proverbs 10:23; 13:19-20 IV. THE SCORNING FOOL Proverbs 13:1 and 29:11 V. THE STEDFAST FOOL Probers 1:7, 22; 3”33-35 This one is the most dangerous He is self confident and has a closed mindset The lesson: don’t be a fool! Believe in God, trust God, serve God! Commit your life to Christ!
  • "BARNABAS" | Acts 4:36-37 | 8/11/24
    His real name was Joses; Barnabas was his nickname. I. He Encouraged others by Practicing Stewardship (Acts 4:36-37) II. He Encouraged others by Extending Friendship (Acts 9:22-27) III. He Encouraged others by Building Partnerships (Acts 11:20-24) IV. He Encouraged others by Cultivating Leadership (Acts 11:25-26) V. He Encouraged others by Rebuilding Relationships (Acts 15:36-41) What do you need to do to become an encourager?
    Easy to become satisfied in the Christian life Can become too familiar with the Gospel Possible to lose its joy and excitement Paul was “not ashamed” = why? Gospel = good news about the Messiah Power = dynamite You will always need the Gospel > why? The Gospel gives us a : I. NEW ABILITY Philippians 4:13 Obedience and perseverance II. NEW IDENTITY II Corinthians 5:17 No longer in Adam but in Christ III. NEW EXAMPLE Luke (;23-24 Don’t be like Mike! Follow Christ! IV. NEW SIGHT John 8:12 Blind and living in darkness Sight to understand, appreciate, and revel Sight to worship and serve
  • “A DAY YOU MUST NOT FORSAKE” | HEBREWS 10:24-25 | 9/1/24
    What is your favorite day of the week? Why did you choose that day? Sunday has been around a long, long, time It commemorates the resurrection of Christ! Explanation of verses 24-25 Why should we be excited about the Lord’s Day? I. WE SEE SPIRITUAL GIFTS ON DISPLAY Romans 12:6; I Cor. 12:7; I Peter 4:10 Examples are > II. WE HEAR MUCH NEEDED TEACHING AND PREACHING Both build up the Body of Christ! III. WE EXPERIENCE SPIRITUAL GROWTH Real and Lasting > Matthew 4:4; Romans 10:17 IV. WE ARE REMINDED THAT WE ARE NOT ALONE Heb. 10:24-24 > one another V. WE GET A TASTE OF GLORY Rev. 21:1-4 And if we don’t? See verses 26-27!
  • “YOU WILL NEVER DIE!” | JOHN 8:48-59 | 9/8/24
    Many “verily, verily” sayings in Scripture None more astounding that this one in v.51 Many think you die and that’s it: game over Jesus didn’t teach that! You will live forever …. somewhere! Quote of C S Lewis I. NATURE OF DEATH Hebrews 9:27; Romans 6:23 II. THREE KINDS OF DEATH 1. Physical death > soul, spirit from body 2, Spiritual death > soul or spirit from God 3. Eternal death > separation of soul & body from God Note v. 51 > which death? eternal death! III. ONLY SAVIOR ABLE TO SAVE 8:51 Only refuge found in Christ Just two ways to die: in Christ or in sin John 8:21-24 Intermediate state John 8:51-52
  • “THE VALUE OF A SOUL” | MARK 8:36-37 | 9/15/24
    What do you believe about the composition of man? Dichotomist or Trichotomist? Is man a soul and body? material and immaterial? Is man body, soul and spirit? Your most valuable asset is your soul! Only two things lasts forever: Word of God and your soul I. A FABULOUS TREASURE Based on your creation, potentiality and rarity The handiwork of Almighty God II. A FOOLISH TRANSACTION Your fabulous treasure is your soul What are you willing to trade for it? III. A FATAL TRAGEDY This is a story about tragedy Devil doesn’t want you to even think about it Your soul is worth billions of worlds It will live on and on
  • "THE WAR AGAINST YOUR SOUL” I PETER 2:11 | 9/29/24
    If Satan cannot have your soul he will do anything to make you miserable and defeated There is a constant battle raging against your soul Sin is always crouching at the door How do we combat this assailant? I. REMEMBER YOUR HEAVENLY CITIZENSHIP V.11 a = sojourners, just “passing through” Look in I Peter 1:1-2 and Philippians 3:18-21 Remember who you are in Christ II. REJECT FLESHLY LUSTS We are “to abstain”; stay away from Lusts = cravings, desires “that wage war against your soul” Satan cannot take your soul but … Moses in Hebrews 11:23-26 III. REVERENCE THE SOVEREIGN GOD OF SCRIPTURE An attack on the soul is serious business Must guard and protect the soul
    Disaster often brings devastation and death Destruction and all kinds of difficulties Hurricane Helene did just that Some had it worse than others Where is God in the midst of a disaster? Same place He always is: on His Throne! Paul was in a Roman prison cell Cold, hungry, tired, and all alone What does he do? Composes a thank you note to church I. THE CARE OF THE CHURCH V.10 Once before and now, again Any church members check on you? II. THE CONTENTMENT OF THE PRISONER VV.11-12 Had “learned” > key word. Learn anything? III. THE CAUSE OF THIS GRACE V.13 Contentment came from Christ!
  • "THE WAR AGAINST YOUR SOUL” | I PETER 2:11 | 10/13/24
    If Satan cannot have your soul he will do anything to make you miserable and defeated There is a constant battle raging against your soul Sin is always crouching at the door How do we combat this assailant? I. REMEMBER YOUR HEAVENLY CITIZENSHIP V.11 a = sojourners, just “passing through” Look in I Peter 1:1-2 and Philippians 3:18-21 Remember who you are in Christ II. REJECT FLESHLY LUSTS We are “to abstain”; stay away from Lusts = cravings, desires “that wage war against your soul” Satan cannot take your soul but … Moses in Hebrews 11:23-26 III. REVERENCE THE SOVEREIGN GOD OF SCRIPTURE An attack on the soul is serious business Must guard and protect the soul
  • "THE BISHOP OF OUR SOULS” | I PETER 2:21-25 | 10/20/24
    Our souls are of infinite value As sheep, we easily go astray Two titles for Jesus in v. 25 1. SHEPHERD: Feeder, Protector, Ruler 2. BISHOP: Overseer, Supervisor, Guardian He knows what we need His eye is always on us — He knows I. REST Matthew 11:28-30 Sometimes we need to just stop and rest II. RESOURCES Psalm 23:1,3 Psalm 143:6-12; Philippians 4:19 III. REJOICING Philippians 4:4 Psalm 103:1-5 IV. RE-ASSURANCE Psalm 97:10 Perseverance e of the saints And preservation by the Lord V. REDEMPTION I Peter 1:17-21
  • “IS THERE NOT A CAUSE?” | I SAMUEL 17:20-29 | 10/27/24
    A question that needs to be pondered! The world is adrift Is there not a cause to live for? ********************************************* I. SENT BY THE FATHER VV.12-18 Jesse sent David; the Father sent Jesus We have been sent II. SCORNED BY HIS BROTHERS V.28-29 Will always have opposition Sometimes from family members III. SECURE WITH HIS OWN BATTLE ARMOR VV.38-39 David had all he needed Power of the Word IV. SUCCESS AGAINST GOLIATH VV.42-51 Goliath cursed David and his God David did what no other man in Israel could do V. SOUGHT BY SAUL Life is always a struggle, especially after victories
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