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Sermon Note Archives
“BY NO MEANS CAST OUT …” | JOHN 6:37 | 1/5/25John Bunyan wrote a whole book about it Easy to forget who God really is and What God has really done Very, very important to understand 6:37 Three assurances include: I. A GIVING V.37A “Gives” = to give freely of one’s own accord Father gave a people to God the Son All merits of their salvation placed on Him II. A COMING V.37 “will come” = to become a follower Will believe and repent Whosoever will may come III. A KEEPING V.37 This is the good part “by no means” = never, ever by no means NO ONE who comes will ever be cast out!
“A SONG TO SING IN THE DARKNESS” | PSALM 23:1-6 | 1/12/12No more beautiful passage in all of Scripture Been read over cradles and cribs Been prayed in many closets It ministers to every sorrow A song to sing in the darkness I. THE LORD WHO LIVES V.1 Burning Bush in Exodus 3:13-14 He is everything —— even without us Speaks of the eternity of God II. THE LORD WHO LEADS VV.2-5 Notice WHO does all this Leads in paths of righteousness Leads us THROUGH the valley III. THE LORD WHO LOVES V.6 Speaks of security & benefits & blessings Dwell where? in the house of the Lord
"BTW… WHAT ABOUT CREMATION?" | I CORINTHIANS 6:19-20 | 1/19/25Bible addresses many subjects Some in great detail; others just a little We are to use truth, reason and common sense Bible doesn’t talk much about cremation Everyone must choose for themselves I. RISING POPULARITY OF CREMATION A pragmatic, economical thing to do Why so popular? II. REDEMPTIVE PURPOSE OF THE BODY 1. Creation must be considered Man was made in the image of God? 2. Revelation of God - He chose a Body! John 1:1-3 and 14-17 Body of Jesus was buried. Why not burned? 3. Resurrection of the Body I Cor.15:12-24 4. Regeneration or New Birth I Cor. 6:19-20 5. Rewards for things done in your Body II Corinthians 5:8-10 III. REASONABLE PURSUIT OF A CHOICE YOU have a choice to make What role will the Bible play in that decision?
“IS DYING REALLY BETTER THAN LIVING?” | PHILIPPIANS 1:19-24 | 2/2/25Connection between graveyard and churchyard Context of Philippians 1 Paul was quite confident that Dying in Christ is better than living Verse 21 is the key verse To die is “gain” = profit, advantage I. IMMEDIATE GAIN IN LIVING FOR CHRIST Spiritual life, relationship with God through Christ Member of God’s family, abundance of grace II. GREATER GAIN IN DYING Everybody wants to go to heaven But nobody wants to die How is dying better than living? Ten great reasons: innumerable blessings III. EVERLASTING GAIN Death may be fearful & painful Results are far more glorious
“5 TRUTHS TO LIVE AND DIE BY” | MATTHEW 6:33 | 2/9/25Story of A. W. Tozer Read as much of him as you can The Pursuit of God; Knowledge of the Holy Lived and died according to these 5 truths Context of Matthew 6:33 I. DEAL THOROUGHLY WITH SIN Never excuse it or deny it II. NEVER OWN ANYTHING God alone has the right to take it Note on "Cowboy Logic" III. NEVER DEFEND YOURSELF I Peter 3:8-17 IV. NEVER HURT OTHERS Ephesians 4:30-32 V. NEVER ACCEPT ANY GLORY Only God is worthy of glory
Wednesday Night Bible Study Note Archives
“BY NO MEANS CAST OUT …” | JOHN 6:37 | 1/5/25John Bunyan wrote a whole book about it Easy to forget who God really is and What God has really done Very, very important to understand 6:37 Three assurances include: I. A GIVING V.37A “Gives” = to give freely of one’s own accord Father gave a people to God the Son All merits of their salvation placed on Him II. A COMING V.37 “will come” = to become a follower Will believe and repent Whosoever will may come III. A KEEPING V.37 This is the good part “by no means” = never, ever by no means NO ONE who comes will ever be cast out!
“A SONG TO SING IN THE DARKNESS” | PSALM 23:1-6 | 1/12/12No more beautiful passage in all of Scripture Been read over cradles and cribs Been prayed in many closets It ministers to every sorrow A song to sing in the darkness I. THE LORD WHO LIVES V.1 Burning Bush in Exodus 3:13-14 He is everything —— even without us Speaks of the eternity of God II. THE LORD WHO LEADS VV.2-5 Notice WHO does all this Leads in paths of righteousness Leads us THROUGH the valley III. THE LORD WHO LOVES V.6 Speaks of security & benefits & blessings Dwell where? in the house of the Lord
"BTW… WHAT ABOUT CREMATION?" | I CORINTHIANS 6:19-20 | 1/19/25Bible addresses many subjects Some in great detail; others just a little We are to use truth, reason and common sense Bible doesn’t talk much about cremation Everyone must choose for themselves I. RISING POPULARITY OF CREMATION A pragmatic, economical thing to do Why so popular? II. REDEMPTIVE PURPOSE OF THE BODY 1. Creation must be considered Man was made in the image of God? 2. Revelation of God - He chose a Body! John 1:1-3 and 14-17 Body of Jesus was buried. Why not burned? 3. Resurrection of the Body I Cor.15:12-24 4. Regeneration or New Birth I Cor. 6:19-20 5. Rewards for things done in your Body II Corinthians 5:8-10 III. REASONABLE PURSUIT OF A CHOICE YOU have a choice to make What role will the Bible play in that decision?
“IS DYING REALLY BETTER THAN LIVING?” | PHILIPPIANS 1:19-24 | 2/2/25Connection between graveyard and churchyard Context of Philippians 1 Paul was quite confident that Dying in Christ is better than living Verse 21 is the key verse To die is “gain” = profit, advantage I. IMMEDIATE GAIN IN LIVING FOR CHRIST Spiritual life, relationship with God through Christ Member of God’s family, abundance of grace II. GREATER GAIN IN DYING Everybody wants to go to heaven But nobody wants to die How is dying better than living? Ten great reasons: innumerable blessings III. EVERLASTING GAIN Death may be fearful & painful Results are far more glorious
“5 TRUTHS TO LIVE AND DIE BY” | MATTHEW 6:33 | 2/9/25Story of A. W. Tozer Read as much of him as you can The Pursuit of God; Knowledge of the Holy Lived and died according to these 5 truths Context of Matthew 6:33 I. DEAL THOROUGHLY WITH SIN Never excuse it or deny it II. NEVER OWN ANYTHING God alone has the right to take it Note on "Cowboy Logic" III. NEVER DEFEND YOURSELF I Peter 3:8-17 IV. NEVER HURT OTHERS Ephesians 4:30-32 V. NEVER ACCEPT ANY GLORY Only God is worthy of glory
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